During the
last edition of Expo Carnes y Lácteos in Monterrey, a conference was held by
our Technical Director Javier Garcia Pina, in which the new development INBAC
NF was presented, whose most outstanding property is the ability to inhibit the
development of Clostridium spp, as well as Listeria monocytogenes
and lactic acid bacteria in vacuum-packed cooked meat products. Thanks to these
unique properties, INBAC NF makes it possible to reduce the use of nitrites and
eliminate the use of preservatives such as sodium lactate and/or diacetate,
also facilitating the reduction of sodium content in the final product. The
conference concluded with the presentation of the microbiological model,
developed for the use of our clients, which allows predicting the days that Clostridium
will not be able to develop in a cooked meat product, depending on the storage
temperature and the concentration of INBAC NF .